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Contribute to WIEP PAC

What is a PAC?

A political action committee (PAC) is any political committee which receives contributions or makes disbursements for the purpose of influencing the election of candidates.  PACs are often sponsored by trade associations, labor unions or corporations.  PAC contributions are determined by a PAC Board of Trustees made up of association members.

Donation goal

Collected: $16,089.00
Goal: $10,000.00

What does WIEP PAC do?

The Wisconsin Industries for Environmental Protection (WIEP) PAC is the political direct giver program for WPCA, Wisconsin Onsite Water Recycling Association (WOWRA) and Wisconsin Liquid Waste Carriers Association (WLWCA) members to control their political contributions that is administered on their behalf by the WIEP Administrator. 

WIEP PAC is a very important business partner to members because it means legislative success. Up to 2,000 bills are introduced each session in the state legislature. WIEP PAC helps elect the people who write laws you and your business must live with. Through extensive research and ongoing monitoring, WIEP PAC keeps you informed, involved, and influential in the legislative decisions that are important to you and your business.

Contribute Today! 

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